Product Description
J-Say Pro provides improved interoperability for Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional speech recognition and JAWS For Windows screen reading technology. It provides a unified user experience for hands free, vision free computing, allowing users to independently carry out tasks such as dialing telephone numbers, using software-based DVDs, using DAISY talking book players and more. J-Say Pro can also be customized to perform optimally with applications used in the workplace.
As the product has evolved, the range of people who are benefiting from the technology has increased. From people who simply want to be more productive and use their voice as an additional means of computer input and control, to individuals who have complex combinations of needs, and who find it difficult if not impossible to make use of computer technology using traditionally accepted methods of input access and control.
Do it all controlling the application with your voice and accessing the computer screen with your ears
J-Say Pro provides access to applications which reflect the three most common things which people need to do with computers on a day-to-day basis
Create documents, control text layout, fill in forms and other complex documents, and open/save files, and more in Microsoft Word
Provides users with a set of tools to take complete control of anything e-mail related in Microsoft Outlook, from creating messages to email navigation, moving and copying messages to folders, to keeping track of a schedule through the Outlook calendar
Provides intuitive access to all aspects of internet navigation and control, from finding, launching and browsing web pages, to the completion of web forms such as searches and shopping carts
Dictate text in a natural way and have it instantly echoed back
Rapidly move through list items, words, lines, sentences and paragraphs and have the selected unit spoken back
Create J-Say Shortcuts which can reproduce lengthy text passages (such as twenty paragraphs) with a single voice command
If you use a Braille display, it is no longer necessary to remember the key combinations to control the Braille output as J-Say does it for the user
Scan and read documents with easy-to-remember voice commands. J-Say Professional utilizes the power and flexibility of the Kurzweil 1000 scanning package to allow a person who is unable to use the keyboard or mouse to take advantage of this fantastic product
Execute commonly used procedures within the WINDOWS operating system with voice commands
Easily add words and phrases to the vocabulary
The J-Say Pro Configuration Wizard lets users take control of all the product's special functions without the need to remember a number of voice commands
J-Say Pro reads the text necessary to train the system to recognize the human voice and will also intelligently teach the user to intonate correctly during this process
Use the Back-Up and restore utilities to make a permanent copy of your speech files and restore them at a later date if necessary
Use a voice command to check whether all applications have been exited prior to closing the computer down. If not, J-Say Pro will place focus upon the application which is active, advise you what it is, and invite you to close it
Recommended Specs:
Intel i5 or i7 processor 8GB or more RAM Windows 11 Current version of JAWS Dragon Version 15
There is currently no demonstration video for the J-Say Pro.